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Pet Resources
Recursos para mascotas
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As the COVID-19 situation evolves, we want to share with you some changes that we have put into place at the MSPCA-Angell so we can continue to serve the pets and people of our community while keeping our staff, volunteers, and clients protected. We recognize the vital role that our hospitals and adoption centers play as a safe haven for animals especially in times of crisis. We are committed to being a resource for our community during the outbreak with services and support. As we adjust to these unanticipated changes, our front line team is grateful for your support and patience. (Source)

MSPCA/Angell Animal Medical Center
Angell is open! We are committed to providing your companion animals with essential services during the COVID crisis.
  • Referral cases to Waltham and Boston. We are now welcoming a limited number of typical referral cases at our Waltham and Boston locations. Clients or primary care veterinarians please call 617-522-7282 or call the specialty service directly for availability.

  • Emergency services. As always, our emergency room is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at our Angell Boston and Angell Waltham locations to care for our most acutely ill patients.

  • Urgent Care. Our primary care service as well as some of Angell’s specialty services are offering urgent care appointments for patients who have non-life threatening but urgent issues. Please call 617-522-7282 or call the specialty service directly for availability.

  • On-site specialty consults and telemedicine. Most of Angell’s specialists are available either to consult on your pet’s case while your pet is at Angell or to facilitate phone or video appointments. Contact information by specialty is listed at Please reach out to our specialty services for more information.

  • Call ahead. We encourage you and/or your primary care vet to call before your visit (if your pet is not experiencing a life-threatening emergency) so we can direct your needs in the most time and cost efficient manner.

  • Pharmacy.  Angell continues to fill prescriptions 7 days per week. Curb side pick-up and mailing of prescriptions are both available (shipping fees apply). Clients can submit their prescription requests at or by calling 617-524-5700.

  • Please support Angell by ordering your Angell patient prescriptions through versus other online sites.

    • Current pharmacy operating hours. Pharmacy orders can be picked up during pharmacy operating hours: M-F 8a-8p and Sat/Sun/Holidays 9a-5p  Pharmacy pick-ups for our Angell Waltham facility are also limited, call for details 781-902-8400. Additionally, on nights (after 5p) and during pharmacy business hours on weekends/holidays, curbside order pick-up may only be available every half hour (e.g. 1pm, 1:30pm, etc…), due to our pharmacy’s capacity to both deliver client orders outside while continuing to fill prescription orders inside. Please call the pharmacy when you arrive at 617-524-5700 and we will bring your pet’s order out to a designated pick-up area at our entrance. Please take note – clients who arrive outside of these hours to pick up will not be able to refill or pick up their pet’s order, as there will not be staff available to provide this service. We are grateful to be able to continue to provide needed pharmacy care to your pet, and appreciate your patience and cooperation as we navigate this challenging time together.


How Angell is delivering emergency or urgent care to your pet while minimizing risk of coronavirus transmission
  • To help ensure Angell’s clinicians and staff can safely continue to deliver care to critically ill animals, clients currently are not permitted to accompany their pet into Angell’s Boston, Waltham, Danvers and Westford hospitals.

  • Communication by phone. Signage outside our front entrance provides specific phone numbers for clients to call from their mobile phones upon arrival. As clients remain outside the building, our team then guides clients on next steps for an emergency, a necessary recheck, or medication/food pick up.

  • Highly critical emergencies or those without cell phones are instructed to use the intercom in the foyer of our front entryway.

  • The emergency/urgent care process. Following the client’s initial phone call at arrival, if deemed appropriate, a staff member will meet the client in the parking lot to take the pet into the hospital.

    • Dogs must be leashed.  If the client does not have a leash, we will provide one.  The client will be asked to exit their car and hand the pet to the employee and return to their car.

    • Cats and all other pets must be in a carrier.  If the pet is not in a carrier, a temporary box carrier will be provided.  The client should place the carrier on the ground and step back 6 feet and then the employee will bring the pet into the building.

    • Once the pet is examined, the doctor will call the client on their cell phone (if the client does not have a cell phone the employee can meet the client in the parking lot to discuss care while maintaining a 6 foot distance) and report findings and discuss next steps. Some doctors may be able to put you on speakerphone during examinations or even video conference with you, but this will vary greatly depending on the precise situation.

    • Payments are accepted over the phone with a credit card.  Gloved employees will also accept check and cash.

    • Returning your pet to you. We will wait until your pet’s prescriptions are filled for the visit before returning your pet to you, along with the medications. In the event that your pet is hospitalized, you will not be able to visit, but will receive phone updates and texted photos.

  • Our clinics, Angell at Nashoba in Westford and Angell at Essex in Danvers remain open for primary care services with entry into the hospitals restricted to patients and staff.


Please know that though we have cancelled the visiting of hospitalized patients, we will continue to text pictures and updates so that you can stay in close contact with your pet while they are hospitalized. The only visiting exceptions will be for end-of-life scenarios.


You can reach our call center 24 hours a day at (617) 522-7282.


Animal Care and Adoption Centers
  • Animals are still available for adoption – you just need to make an appointment! Finding homes for our current population of shelter animals will be vital for our ability to provide temporary housing and increased surrender intake as a result of the outbreak.

  • Animals in need of  immediate surrender will continue to be accepted by appointment. If the need to surrender your pet is not urgent, we ask that you wait to bring in your animal. This will allow us to ensure room for emergency cases and keep traffic low. Rest assured we are here to help if needed. Please visit our website at for more information.

  • Our Community Outreach teams will be reaching out to clients in our service areas to check in and make sure owners and pets have the resources they need.

  • Our adoption centers will make disaster preparedness supplies available to the public on an as-needed basis in the event of emergency. Supplies include dog crates, water bowls and pet food is available. Please call our adoption centers if you are in need of supplies.

  • Our adoption centers are determining plans for emergency temporary housing for pets whose owners are ill or hospitalized. Please call us to discuss your situation should you need help.

Protective Measures
  • The Adoption Centers are closed to the general public. For our animal loving friends who simply enjoy visiting our adoption centers, we ask you to refrain from casual visits at this time.

  • MSPCA humane education events and vaccination clinics are postponed. If you have registered for a class or event, an MSPCA coordinator will be in touch to re-schedule.

  • Spay/Neuter Appointments are postponed until further notice beginning 3.18.2020.

  • Donations of gently used supplies (blankets, toys, etc) cannot be accepted at this time. While we are grateful for your consideration, we are not able to accept these items.

  • We are choosing social distancing whenever possible. If you are coming in for a scheduled surrender or adoption appointment, you will find hand sanitizer when you enter and we ask that you respect personal space, and don’t be surprised if we offer an air high-five in lieu of shaking your hand!

How You Can Help
  • Donations of pet food ARE ENCOURAGED. Cat and dog food (canned and dry, in original sealed packaging) are very much needed to support our community outreach programs and to distribute to local food pantries to ensure people with food insecurity have food for their pets. We have a comprehensive Amazon wish list on our website so you can donate from the comfort of your home! Visit

  • We encourage every pet owner to develop a preparedness plan should you become ill or hospitalized. Please visit our website at for helpful information.

  • Helping pets in your community – We are encouraging community members to check in with friends, neighbors and relatives that may be living alone with pets or be more vulnerable to this virus to make sure they are ok. If you have room in your home, consider offering emergency housing to those that may need to separate from their pet due to hospitalization.



Thank you for your understanding and support as we strive to continue our work on behalf of animals and the people who love them. We are thinking about all of you – our staff, volunteers, supporters, clients, and community partners – and doing everything we can to be here for those who need us the most. The effects of this crisis will be far reaching. By following the latest trusted science and being compassionate and kind to one another, we will get through this.

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