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City Outdoor Recreation Update COVID-19 Phase III, Step I

Mayor Dan Rivera with the Lawrence Board of Health, update the public on outdoor recreation.  Public health continues to be the main priority in making decisions on reopening. As of 7/8 the infection rate in Lawrence is at 7.05% making it the highest infection rate in Massachusetts, the state’s infection rate is at 1.9%. The City wants to update and clarify outdoor activity guidelines. Most importantly, activities of a high contact nature remain prohibited. “We must continue to be cautious when it comes to reopening and remember that the fight against Coronavirus has not ended, we are still very much fighting this virus in our community,” said Mayor Dan Rivera. “Lawrence is still the third easiest place to contract Coronavirus in the Commonwealth. We understand the importance of recreational activity to the members in our community but we must remain vigilant, adhere to guidelines set in place, and keep ourselves and others safe.”

Activities, Classifications (Low, Moderate, and High Risk), and their Statuses are below.

Low Risk Activities:

such as batting cages, tennis, swimming, catch, golf, individual biking, surfing, horseback riding, individual sailing, fishing, hunting, motor sports, yoga & no-contact-exercise-classes, gymnastics, walking, hiking, biking, tennis, etc.

  • Largely unrestricted

  • Must socially distance and wear face coverings

Moderate Risk Activities:

such as baseball, softball, crew/sailing (2-3 people in a boat), track and field, cross country, running clubs, team swimming, volleyball, dance class, fencing, field hockey, no-contact lacrosse, organized, running/cross-country, volleyball, etc.

  • Must socially distance and wear face coverings.

  • Individual or socially distanced group activities allowed with restrictions.

  • Pickup games allowed with restrictions.

  • Drills and scrimmages allowed with restrictions.

  • Competitions (inter-team games, meets, matches) not allowed.

  • Tournaments prohibited in their entirety.

* For youth and adult amateur sport activities permitted in this phase: group size maximum of 25 people or participants on a single playing surface/area/court for team/group sports

High Risk Activities:

such as football, soccer, wrestling, basketball, handball, competitive cheer, etc.

Due to their high-contact nature, these sporting activities REMAIN PROHIBITED in their entirety.

Additional Phase III, Part I Guidelines: 

The City will not be issuing permits for organized events, leagues, or activities during Phase III, Step I 

Face coverings must be worn and proper social distancing is required at all times.

  • In open park spaces group sizes are limited to 12 people and must be socially distanced from non-household members. A 12+ feet distance is needed from one group to another.

Public Basketball Courts, Playgrounds and Spray Parks, due to their high contact nature, REMAIN CLOSED

Spectators must socially distance and wear face coverings. No spectators allowed for sports/activities played by individuals 18 years old and older.

Current Lawrence COVID-19 Stats as of 7/14: 

- Confirmed Cases: 3,677

- Deaths: 129

- Cases Per Capita: 3rd

- Case Count: 5th

- Infection Rate (As of July 8): 7.05% (State Rate: 1.9%) 

- Total Tests: 16,774


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