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Market Basket orders new social distancing rules

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

by Paul Tennant, Eagle Tribune

Beginning Thursday, Market Basket is ramping up its efforts to protect shoppers and employees from coronavirus infection. The company is limiting the number of people allowed inside each supermarket at a time. This will depend on the size of the store, Market Basket executives said. "We have been constantly refining our operations focused on the health and safety of our customers and associates," said Joseph Schmidt, operations supervisor. "These changes reflect the wide range of input we have received on a daily basis, from our customers and our associates and from the governors and public health experts who describe the next several weeks as critical for the health of the residents in our region. It is important that our customers have a pleasant, safe and healthy experience in our stores." A single entrance and exit will be designated for customers at every store. Each customer will be greeted by an employee who will clean and sanitize a carriage for them. "Our hard-working associates are committed to helping our customers during this challenging time," Schmidt said. "We firmly believe that with this newly refined approach we can make the grocery store experience better for all."


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