by NH Labor News

The 35th Bread and Roses Heritage Festival takes place on Labor Day, September 2, 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on the Common in Lawrence, MA, a free, one-day ‘open air’ celebration for the whole family. It is the only Labor Day festival on the East Coast and commemorates the important contributions the Lawrence strikers of 1912 made to the history of the labor movement.
This year, we have again great participation by Labor:
– Opening the Festival, at 11:30 a.m.: Ceremony at the Strikers’ Monument across from City Hall, sponsored by the Strikers’ Monument Committee
– Labor representation at Lawrence History Live, our popular speakers’ tent, is featuring
Katherine Paterson, famed author of the young adult book “Bread and Roses Too” (Katherine Paterson is the recipient of this year’s Bread and Roses Hall of Fame Award)
Richard McCarthy, with a poem on “Mill Work”
Steve Thornton speaking on his new book, “Good Trouble” . . . . .
Jonas Stundzia on the differences between the 1912 and 1919 Lawrence Textile Workers’ Strikes
Ani Cordero on art and social justice in Puerto Rico
Natalicia Tracy on the Work and Family Mobility Act
– A Community Forum at our speakers’ tent will discuss the responses to last year’s gas crisis in Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover
– Our Community Corner has a Soap Box, in the tradition of the free speech activism of the Wobblies and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Everyone is invited to address Festival visitors
Great news! Bread and Puppet Theater is back this year – the famed progressive theater for young and old
On our music stages, our headline performers are:
Ani Cordero – Puerto Rican folk/protest music
Julie Rhodes – blues
Ezkiel’s Wheels – Klezmer
Andes Sol – Peruvian Musica Andina
TMP Empire – Afro/Pop Dance
Renee Goust – Mexican American
Stl Gld – Hip hop band
Lenny Lashley’s Gang Of One – Folk Punk
Also: The popular Trolley Tours of historic Lawrence – Lots of children’s activities!
Join us!