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Locals applaud Rivera's move - Lawrence mayor resigning to lead state agency

As Mayor Daniel Rivera moves on to the next chapter of his career, members of the city's political network are applauding his rise to a major state post.

After seven years as Lawrence's leader, Rivera announced Thursday he is stepping down as mayor to accept a job with MassDevelopment, becoming president and chief executive officer of that state agency. His decision comes with one year left in his second mayoral term.

MassDevelopment's Board of Directors voted unanimously Thursday to appoint Rivera to the position.

“I am both honored and humbled to be chosen as the president and CEO of MassDevelopment,'' Rivera said, "and I’m excited for the opportunity to hone my focus on economic development, especially during these trying times.

“In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, MassDevelopment stands to play a role in reconstruction of our economy that is inclusive, equitable, and focuses on neighborhoods and business districts in every corner of the commonwealth," he said. "I plan to address the City Council at their regular meeting on Tuesday to discuss the transition and my time left as mayor. Being mayor in Lawrence has been the privilege of my life."

Other local leaders said Rivera occupying the state post will benefit the Merrimack Valley and all of Massachusetts.


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