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Trial court employee exposed to coronavirus; buildings undergo 'deep clean'

by Jill Harmacinski, Eagle Tribune

Courthouses in Lawrence and Salem, Mass. underwent a "deep clean" after a trial court employee was exposed to coronavirus, commonly known as COVID-19, an official said.

"A trial court employee had contact several days ago with a friend who has since tested positive from COVID-19. The employee's spouse had more recent contact with the same friend," wrote Jennifer Donahue, Massachusetts Trial Court spokesperson, in an email to The Eagle-Tribune.

Donahue said the court employee has been in touch with the family's health care provider and has not shown any symptoms of the illness. The employee, who is not named, is currently at home for a 14-day self quarantine as protection.

The employee had been in Lawrence Superior Court and the Ruane Judicial Center in Salem in recent days, Donahue said.

"The Trial Court Facilities department has conducted a deep clean to disinfect both courthouses," Donahue said.

The deep clean is among preventive efforts being taken at courthouses across the state due to Coronavirus, she added.


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