by Alberto Surís, Rumbo News

On the occasion of celebrating 209 years of the Independence of Colombia, last Friday, July 19, 2019, Colombians from the area gathered next to the Robert Frost Fountain, located in the Campagnone Common, in front of the Lawrence City Hall to raise their flag.
Carmenza Bruff, of the Colombian Cultural Committee, with brief words welcomed the audience and after listening to the notes of the United States National Anthem, introduced Diana Lorena Ayala, who proceeded to sing a cappella, the notes of the national anthem of Colombia.
Laudys Disla, on behalf of Mayor Daniel Rivera, read and delivered to the members of the Colombian Cultural Committee, a proclamation issued by the mayor. Immediately, Bruff introduced Carlos E. Enriquez, Consul of Colombia in Boston, who brought us warm words in a message from the President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, for Colombians abroad, on the occasion of the commemoration of July 20, and National Independence Day.
“200 years ago we were traveling in the fields of Boyacá the route to the definitive independence, road that was opened by the Grito del 20 de Julio in Santa Fe. This government, the Bicentennial government, is committed to build the foundations for the next two centuries of our history. I want to send all of you the warmest of greetings in this Fiesta Patria,” said the president.