by Eagle Tribune

As part of the second annual Massachusetts STEM Week, the Baker-Polito Administration last week announced $160,000 in funding to Greater Lawrence Technical High School to support clean energy curriculum development and workforce training for Massachusetts high school students.
The grant will fund hands-on learning and academic training programs that prepare students to pursue clean energy and STEM higher education majors and careers. The funding is coming from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, or MassCEC.
“It is vital that we give Massachusetts students every opportunity to learn and engage in STEM education, including clean energy,” said Gov. Charlie Baker. “While supporting these unique educational opportunities through the Learn and Earn program, we are also investing in the future of the Massachusetts workforce by training the students that will one day help us grow this important sector of the Commonwealth’s innovation economy.”
Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito agreed.
“Hands-on programs like Learn and Earn allow students to gain exposure to new technologies and engage with STEM education in a meaningful way beyond the classroom setting,” she said “The Baker-Polito administration is committed to helping students explore career and academic interests within STEM fields and is pleased to partner with our schools to advance forward-thinking educational experiences.”
At GLTS, students will participate in a year-long program that focuses on creating a carbon-free community, with special focus on solar and wind technology. The program includes a project in which students will design, construct, and implement a miniature wind turbine and solar array in their school and community.