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Law Day celebrated

via Eagle Tribune

"Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society" was the focus Wednesday as the Lawrence Bar Association held its annual Law Day celebration at the Fenton Judicial Center.

Sixteen area high school students took to Courtroom 4 to compete in the Lawrence Bar Association's Law Day speech contest, with each delivering approximately five-minute prepared addresses on this year's theme. In their speeches, students highlighted the cornerstones of representative government, emphasizing freedom of speech and the press as among the most important foundations for a free society.

William Lam, a student at Phillips Academy in Andover, was named the winner of the contest at a reception that followed the presentations at El Taller, a restaurant at 275 Essex St.

Held annually on May 1, Law Day is a national day set aside to celebrate the rule of law. The day, according to the American Bar Association, provides an opportunity to understand how law and the legal process protect people's liberty and contribute to the freedoms of Americans.


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